The purpose of the Maritime Professional Council of the UK is:

  • To promote the professionalism and esteem within the British Merchant Navy and to those organisations directly concerned with the sector.
  • To provide a central point from which professional opinion on maritime matters can be offered to the Maritime Community, Industry, Government and the Media.
  • To provide independent expert advice and guidance based on our combined professional knowledge and experience unhindered by any financial or commercial interests.
  • To provide guidance to regulators and employers on the professional training standards adequate for our maritime professionals.

In doing so the Council will:

  • Provide unity to member organisations where their professional concerns can be enhanced by the joint voice of a formal council.
  • Bring to the attention of our respective stakeholders any Navigational or Safety issue that is of concern to our organisations.
  • Enhance the exchange of professional matters between member organisations.
  • Provide a focal point to those at sea on any particular professional issue they identify as important.