Steve Cameron (pictured left) is supported at the House of Commons by Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO

Steve Cameron (pictured left) is supported at the House of Commons by Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO

As part of the Maritime Professional Council of the UK’s initiative to promote the concept of ‘kind leadership’ within the shipping industry, MPC founder member, Steve Cameron, addressed the All Party Parliamentary Maritime and Ports Group on Monday 4 December.

Speaking to parliamentarians Mr Cameron made the point that to comply with International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) the focus on training within the shipping indusry has been on technical training, such as managing a bridge team, emergency drills, etc. This, combined with a reliance on a traditional hierarchical management style, has meant there has been little focus on the soft skills of leadership and development.

Reporting on a survey carried out by the Nautical Institute for the MPC, he said: “While we have found a small number of companies and captains that practice Kind Leadership, our two surveys across seafarers an industry stakeholders identified, the industry lacked soft skills and leadership training, and with more focus on automation and minimal crewing, soft skills training is essential to all generations of seafarers.”