Capt. Ritesh Prakashan explained how Kind Leadership benefits seafarers and shipping companies. Credit MPC

Capt. Ritesh Prakashan explained how Kind Leadership benefits seafarers and shipping companies. Credit MPC

The shipping industry needs to embrace a new management approach if it is to make the most of its key asset, its people. That was the clear message from over 50 selected participants representing the maritime industry’s Regulatory, Education, Legal, Commercial, and Voluntary sectors. At a recent workshop held at the Royal Naval Reserve training centre, HMS President, in London, they endorsed the concept of Kind Leadership (KL) as the way forward, emphasising that KL is not ‘soft leadership’ but an effective and considerate way of safely achieving optimum industry productivity and efficiency, both at sea and ashore.

The pivotal invitation-only KL workshop was organised by The Maritime Professional Council of the United Kingdom (MPC) and was aimed at fostering a comprehensive understanding of its application across the maritime sector. The event marked a significant step in promoting the concept in the maritime industry, following extensive research and national presentations by the MPC.

The MPC’s Vice Chair (Nautical), and CEO of The Nautical Institute, John Lloyd, said: “The MPC UK brought together industry leaders and stakeholders from across the industry to review the work to date on Kind Leadership and to help create a pathway that leads to widespread adoption.”

In his keynote speech Ritesh Prakashan, HQSE Manager of Zodiac Maritime, shared a shipmaster’s perspective on Kind Leadership and explained how his experiences at sea led him to understand the need for a `kind’ approach to leadership.

Group ideas and opinions enabled the MPC to gain important insights into how further work should be conducted, in order to deepen the understanding of the concepts and principles. The next phase will be to develop the reference paper and seek buy-in and engagement from industry leaders who understand the concept and the achievable and realistic business improvements that adoption can deliver.

Participants split up into teams and worked on how to tackle barriers to the adoption of Kind Leadership at sea, in the ship to shore interface and in an entire company. In an afternoon session, the teams shared their conclusions with all workshop participants, promoting a collective understanding of the practical implementation of Kind Leadership.

The workshop concluded with an open session in which participants discussed strategies for promoting Kind Leadership to the wider shipping industry. The consensus among participants was that achieving the cultural change required for adoption of Kind Leadership throughout global shipping is not easy, but the benefits make that pursuit worthwhile by every business measure.

Click here for a short video featuring more quotes from key industry representatives on the importance of Kind Leadership.

Also, see a webinar hosted by the Nautical Institute entitled Kind leadership offers a way forward for shipping.