The Maritime Professional Council of the UK is made up of the following individuals:

Captain Derek Chadburn. MSc.
Past Master Honourable Company of Master Mariners.
View Derek’s profile

Vice-Chairman Navigation & Seamanship:
Captain John Lloyd RD, MBA, FNI.
CEO of The Nautical Institute.
View John’s profile

Commodore Nick Nash MNM, CMMar, FNI, FRIN, FRGS.
Representing the Nautical Institute
View Nick’s profile

Dave Watkins
CHIRP Maritime
View Dave’s profile

Captain John Wright
The Honourable Company of Master Mariners.
View John’s profile

Mr Mike Schwarz
Chief Executive Officer of the International Institute of Marine Surveying.
View Mike’s profile

Mr Geoff Waddington
Past President of the International Institute of Marine Surveying.
View Geoff’s profile

Captain Iain Lowers
Deputy Master, Trinity House.
View Iain’s profile

Mr Ian Winson
Chairman of the Professional Charter Association.
View Ian’s profile

Mr Steve Cameron
Founding Director of CMR
View Steve’s profile

Mr John McKenzie
Treasurer of the Professional Charter Association

Mr Nicholas Spencer
Maritime Volunteer Service
View Nicholas’ profile

Mr Kuba Szymanski
InterManager Secretary General
View Kuba’s profile

Mr Garry Hallett
View Garry’s profile

Helene Peter-Davies
View Helene’s profile

Mr Chris Goldsworthy
Chief Executive Officer of IMarEST
View Chris’s profile

Ann Pletschke
Director, Trinity Maritime
View Ann’s profile